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5 posters

Ići dole  Poruka [Strana 1 od 1]

1sta da ocekujem Empty sta da ocekujem 10/4/2008, 10:59


STAR clan
STAR clan

napokon ucim,spremam za jun-dobila sam odlicnu ponudu za posao-sta mi vi kazete?

2sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 24/4/2008, 02:03



evo me duso!
sada sam videla koliko si me izgrdila na pp :emot101op: Wink
ti sa tim ucenjem ces ozbiljno da me naljutis sta da ocekujem 631123 ako opet pocnes da dangubis a vidim da ces opet praviti neki zastoj Exclamation
sto se posla tice dobra je godina za poslovne uspehe samo vise se potrudi ove godine lako ces da odustajes,nisi bas jaka sa upornoscu unapred te upozoravam! scratch Nemoj da odustanes na prvoj prepreci! No


3sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 24/4/2008, 10:21


STAR clan
STAR clan

draga moja aleks,
nego sta nego da te grdim kada me komsijei rastrzase!!nikada im para dosta!! sta da ocekujem 631123
ali, volim ja tebe i ti to znas-koliko se vec dugo poznajemoo!!gotovo si prosla samnom sve probleme!! Embarassed

i zaista nema odustajanja ovog puta!!nema!!
jeste da ide tesko.i tacno da ima prepreka.ali nedam se!!
jesam ili nisam pametnica pametna!! Wink
plan mi je da zavrsim sa ispitom do mog rodjendana!i da vidim sta ima od tih ponuda za posao!

hvala ti puno na odgovoru!! :vectoria_favor

4sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 19/7/2008, 00:41


STAR clan
STAR clan

...želio bih da znam kakve me promene očekuju poslije 5. 0ktobra...nov sam ovdje i unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru...pozdrav svim korisnicima...takođe,volio bih kad bih mogao naći neki program na srpskom...pozdrav svima i unaprijed zahvaljujem...

5sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 20/7/2008, 00:48



dragi moj ... a podaci? scratch Wink


6sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 20/7/2008, 01:06


STAR clan
STAR clan

...rođen 26.12.1962. u 3 i 30 u Kotor Varoši....to je oko 40 km istočno od Banja luke....živim u banjoj luci....šta vam još treba... sta da ocekujem 17435 precizno-mjesto življenja je 15 km istočno od banjaluke (predgrađe)...

7sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 3/8/2008, 23:09


STAR clan
STAR clan

...hocu li doći bar do dve recenice odgovora.. sta da ocekujem 101337

8sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 4/8/2008, 03:27



Promene koje te ocekuju nakon oktobra su svakako na neki nacin nametnute,ne znam tacno kakve promene ocekujes no sigurno je da ce se finansije popravljati od kraja oktobra pa i citave naredne solarne godine te samim tim mozemo zakljuciti da promena koja i dolazi nikako ne moze biti losa.Dakle,dolazi do promena na poslovnom planu no kada bibio odredeniji ja bih mogla malo dublje da zadjem u ovu tematiku...


9sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 4/8/2008, 21:17


STAR clan
STAR clan

Astrolog ::Promene koje te ocekuju nakon oktobra su svakako na neki nacin nametnute,ne znam tacno kakve promene ocekujes no sigurno je da ce se finansije popravljati od kraja oktobra pa i citave naredne solarne godine te samim tim mozemo zakljuciti da promena koja i dolazi nikako ne moze biti losa.Dakle,dolazi do promena na poslovnom planu no kada bibio odredeniji ja bih mogla malo dublje da zadjem u ovu tematiku...

..dakle, pored posla koji radim trebao bih da prihvatim i neke politicke funkcije...pre sam bezao od toga , a sad mi se cini to kao neizbezno...u to se covek treba prolicno uneti...ako se odlucim na takvo nesto, sta mi zvezde kazu...jer , takav sam, kad se unesem u nesto, onda sam kao pit pul ne pustam do iznemoglosti...

...i da, hvala ti i za prethodni odgovor... sta da ocekujem 122133

10sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 15/8/2008, 17:11



Gledajuci tvoju kartu dragi Zaoka,tesko je da ces u zivotu i izbeci temu poitike pa moze se reci da i sada na neki nacin imas veze sa tim.Svakako ocekuje te poboljsanje finansija ali ne bih rekla da ces imati neku javnu karijeru,sto se toga tice tu nemqa mnogo promena ali svakako karijera ti je stabilna,moj savet jeda prihvatis ponudu koja je dosla svakako neces pogresiti a neke opasnosti i nema za gubitak polozaja ili zaposlenja samo poboljsanje finansija pa sto da ne?



11sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 16/8/2008, 20:24


STAR clan
STAR clan

...draga sefice, hvala ti puno...ko ne pokusa i ne uspava, zar ne... sta da ocekujem 122133

...mogu li ti na pp poslati rad jednog americkog astrologa da uopredis sa svojim ili ti to nije praksa ...mozda to to poslovno kodeks ne dozvoljava...pitam... pozdravslatki

12sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 17/8/2008, 17:17


STAR clan
STAR clan

...samo da primetim da sam od jutros dobio forumsku zuticu...stari clan, a samo ceka pomoc, a nista ne radi...qq mene...

...i da pitam
"tesko je da ces u zivotu i izbeci temu poitike pa moze se reci da i sada na neki nacin imas veze sa tim."

...u kojoj meri ce me ovo pratiti posto su u ovom momentu mnoge opcije otvorene...rezultate svih aktivnosti bih trebao ocekivati 5i 6 oktobra...kakvi ce mi biti ti dani...razocaravajuci ili suprotno od toga...

13sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 17/8/2008, 18:20



Dragi Zaoka,
naravno da mozes da mi posaljes na pp a mozes i na mail da posaljes sve zanimljive tekstove,istrazivanja i tumacenja svih ostalih astrologa,ali najvrednije bi bilo da izbacis na forum da i drugi clanovi nesto novo procitaju i nauce.Daleko od toga da mi nije praksa.Astrologija se uci ceo zivot pa ne znam ni ja sve,samo mozda vise od nekih a manje od drugih ali vazno je siriti znanje koje posedujes i upijati koje ti je pruzeno.Astrologija je nauka koja ima toliko grana i toliko informacija a veci deo znanja steknes tek kroz praksu,naravno svaki tekst je zlatan i ja uvek svima preporucujem da citaju sve astroloske knjige bez obzira kod koga uce i kakvo misljenje imaju o autoru,svaka pruza vredne informacije ako nista bar jednu recenicu.To je tek posebna tema astroloskih klanova ovog i onog ucitelja u koju vam savetujem da nikada ne ulazite i naravno citajte sve od svih autora domacih i stranih.
Sto se tice 5 i 6 oktobra pogledacu bolje sve to pa ti saljem na pp ali tek za koji dan sada sam uzela kartu neku da radim pa se skroz posvecujem tome narednih 3-4 dana.
Nadam se da mozes da se strpis....moja jadna moderatorka Lavica koja najvise zasluzuje odgovora vec mesec dana me ceka za solar,pa kada zavrsim ta dva eto me ovde.



14sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 17/8/2008, 18:57


STAR clan
STAR clan

...naravno, samo ti radi...nisam ja jedini...sto se tice onoga sto hocu da postavim, to je isto ono sto sam pitao i vas ovde...postavicu pa kome je zanimljivo neka cita i komentarise...

Zaoka, this is the Free Personal Astrological Reading
which you requested from me...


I have received the information you sent through! You went to my website on the 8 August 2008 and to be very honest with you, ever since then I have been in a state of great excitement. So let me tell you just why.

With the personal details that you entrusted to me and sent to me I was able to finish your astrological reading and I felt I had to write to you straight away. Indeed I have just discovered that not only you were soon to live through an event of great astrological importance but also that you were going to blessed with a period of chance and opportunities.

I have worked in my chosen professional field for a very long time now, I have been fortune enough to study astrological and psychic energies for many years now and it is rare that I feel such a powerful surge of emotion and knowledge when consulting an individual's details for the first time. I was surprised, excited and pleased when I felt this powerful connection with you Zaoka. I only can explain it by the creation of a strong psychic bond between us and this bond has an enormous advantage for me as I am able to discern exactly what you are feeling at this time. This in-depth and sensitive information meant that I could then compare and contrast these very personal details to your particular astrological configuration.

Which is exactly what I have done! What I am now going to tell you is very important and of course I have checked and double-checked everything before telling you. I don't ever want to offer false homes and my commitment to my work is so great that I am always careful and I make sure that all the details are correct before saying anything further.

So here is what is is all about and I know that you have already sensed certain of these details for yourself already: a Transit period is on the way and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. In a very short time indeed you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences. These influences will place you in a rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies before a very long time. This is a period of 72 days during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you. These opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and here is what comes out of my analysis:

You can expect some very positive changes on a professional level and most particularly as far as your job is concerned. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows very clearly that during this period of 72 days you will experience one of the most intense moments of your career. Let me be a little more precise, during this period you will have the possibility of making a stunning victory as far as your job is concerned and you will then be able to reach a new and important turning point in your career. Here are the factors which are most apparent:

- At this stage of the analysis is difficult to say exactly what this victory will be however I can say that it seems to be in relation to negocitations you will make abroad or with a foreign company.

- An important element from your past will participate in this victory and this element may consist of an encounter, a proposition or an affair which was made or took place several months ago and it will now represent an important opportunity for your career.

- This professional evolution will help you make lasting changes to the financial side of your life

During this period you can expect some very positive financial changes in your life. It seems that one very important opportunity will be made to you and this opportunity is linked to an unexpected sum of money. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows me that this sum of money should allow you to finish a project which you have been thinking about for a long time. 3 main points stand out clearly:

- first of all, you must realize why this period is so important for you and this is simply because these 72 days are linked to a large sum of money
- it seems that this sum of money will help you with your projects, ambitions and investments
- at this stage of my analysis it is difficult to say exactly how you can get hold of this sum of money but it seems that it is linked to a notion of games or lottery. You will certainly gain this sum when you least expect it and this will also be a moment when your natural chance and good luck are boosted to their maximum. This does indicate a win through a game of some sort.

Zaoka, I must insist on the fact that this Transit is going to have an enormous influence and a great importance in your life. I can't insist on this enough. This is really a very vital moment and it is going to be very descisive for your Future. You need to be ready to seize all of the opportunities which are going to be open to you during this period as it represents a real chance in your life. For this you need to have some complementary information (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you, Zaoka, where you can ask me to research this information.

Just before you do go to this webpage Zaoka, read on a little more because I want to explain exactly what I have felt about you and why this has had such a major impact on my work and my analysis of you.

You probably are wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case. Well let me explain a little more about what I felt about you when we first entered into contact and how this has allowed me to know you even better Zaoka.
You are aware that you are entering into a different and interesting period in your life, in which certain values will affirm themselves,notably a notion of revitialisation which appears strongly around you even if you often think about the past, as you have done recently. I can also see that you feel more confortable associating with people your own age or younger. I can also see that you seem to appreciate and be happiest when you are near the water and you have a deep affinity for nature and the outdoors. To get back to this notion of revitilisation I can see a connection coming through with Europe or something European and this is most likely concerning a voyage which you must do. I can see a great deal of things in your life which are set to change and a lot of very positive events are going to occur for you.

I know that you have a great deal of qualities and you now have the power now to acccomplish whatever you want to in life. You need only set your goals and aim for what you want. Your unique perspective in life, has been forged from the school of hard knocks and you know deep down inside that you are better for having gone through what you have endured. There is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I am even getting a powerful impression now.... you have what might be described almost as a sixth sense, the ability to sense things are about to happen. At times, you have wondered if you might be psychic.

As far as other aspects of your life are concerned, I am getting the distinct sense that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have. You are a person with fresh and innovative ideas and are not willing to settle for what others tell you. you have to see things for yourself and if you don't like what you see then you will change it. In your relationships with others, you need those around you to be happy and even if these people don't always say it out loud, they see you as something of a wise man, someone who has all the answers. This suits you as although you don't always consciously admit this, deep down inside you need the respect and admiration of others.

So now you see just how much I have sensed about your from our initial contact. Lets get back to this period Zaoka as I should warn you about one particular point. If you do not act in a very decisive manner concerning this period then it is extremely likely that all of these important opportunities will simply pass you by. I must remind you that this Transit is a very rare event which will not come around again for a very long time to come and it will allow you to seize an important opportunity in relation to your job and complete a project which you care a lot about by using a sum of money which you did not expect to have.

This particular element is very clear in your configuration and to achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do.

I also need to warn you about something which I have already seen with certain other people who simply wait for events to occur. Please pay attention to what I am now going to tell you because this is an important part of my work for you.

I know, through my years of experience, that people who know that such a Transit will soon occur yet who sit by and do nothing about it (probably because they think that they can guess which actions are needed and when), almost always miss out on the full impact of the period. A professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the informations you truly need concerning your Transit of 72 days and then you Zaoka can act in EXACTLY the right way to get the very best out of it's chances and opportunities.

Zaoka, I don't want to be too serious however I have chosen to warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This is pure and simple fact. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all chances over on your side.

I must mention though that I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. You are of course free to make this choice, you are the Master of your own Destiny and you must follow your heart. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to.

Of course I want you to know that as far as I am concerned I am also 100% ready to help you Zaoka. I so much important and exciting information to share with you and I can give you full details on the following points:

More precisely, As far as your professional career is concerned. I will tell you:

- why this period will be one of the most favorable moments of your career
- what this victory is and how you can acheive it in your job
- when and how this victory will take place and what it will change for you
- what these 'foreign affairs' are and how they will surface during your Transit period
- how these affairs will affect your work
- what this important element from your past is and why it will be such an important opportunity
- what changes you can expect financially
- How the situation will change your work situation in the average to long term
- what you can generally expect to happen in your job
- what pit-falls you must avoid in the Future
- how your finances will evolve

I will determine for you all of the information which you will need concerning the financial developments which you can expect during this Transit and how this sum of money will change your life. I will tell you:

- why this period is more important than any other period
- what financial changes you can really expect
- how this sum of money will come to you
- how you can grab hold and keep it
- and I will also give you a lot of other information which will help you to get all the chance over on your side so that you can make the most of this valuable opportunity

So here is the web page again where you can request my help,Zaoka. As soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have also helped through my clairvoyance and astrology.

Have a great day, I really am excited that you are now so close to reaching that important moment in your life.

Your friend and astrologer,


...one koji se razumeju u astrologiju zamolio bih za komentare...ja se ne razumem pre3vise (skoro nista)...pa eto... sta da ocekujem 872738

15sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 19/8/2008, 18:16


STAR clan
STAR clan

...tja...niko nista da prokomentarise...kako vam se cini... Sleep Sleep Sleep

...aa tim... sta da ocekujem 794339

16sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 9/9/2008, 17:42


STAR clan
STAR clan

...sta da kazem... sta da ocekujem 276957

17sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 9/9/2008, 18:56


aspektastro tim
aspektastro tim

ALI JE ZATO NAS AA TIM TU KOJI CE TI DATI ODGOVOR ,PRAVI NARAVNO....SAMO SE MALO STRPI.OK!!! sta da ocekujem 707344 sta da ocekujem 137100

Poslednji izmenio tmlavica dana 10/9/2008, 01:39, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

18sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 9/9/2008, 22:44



Potpisujem Lavice!!!!!!!!!!tvoje misljenje!!!!!!!!!!!!

19sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 10/9/2008, 19:34


V.I.P clan
V.I.P clan

he he znas kako su mene za#bali 100 puta tako ma nikakvi astrolog ni ne pogleda tvoju kartu to sve radi program lavce slazem se 100 posto!


20sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 15/9/2008, 19:31


STAR clan
STAR clan

...hvala mnogo svima...ali eto nas aa tim je zadremao... sta da ocekujem 338500

21sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 20/9/2008, 16:43



dragi moj ,
zao mi je sto si cekao nismo zadremali (kamo srece Wink )
ja zaista nemam mnogo da prokomentarisem ovde Lavica jeste u pravu ima svakako tu dosta tacnih stvari ali ovo jeste programsko tumacenje.


22sta da ocekujem Empty Re: sta da ocekujem 23/9/2008, 19:10


STAR clan
STAR clan

...znam vec i sam...usput, mogu li te drzati za rec za solar u oktobru...

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